Year Annual tuition Fee (HK$) Tuition fee paid in instalments (HK$)
Year 4 and below $115,000 $11,500
(10 Instalments in total)
Year 5 and above $125,000 $12,500
(10 Instalments in total)

Payment of Tuition Fees

Tuition fees are due on the first day of each month. Please note that parents are held responsible for payment of school fees regardless the fees actually paid by their employers or by any other third parties.

It is mandatory to settle tuition fees by Direct debit for all students.  The Direct Debit Authorisation Form will be provided to you on the registration day, or be sent to you by email.

Statements of account will be sent to parents monthly as a reminder. However, payment receipts will only be sent to parents upon request. Please contact us at if receipt is required.

If fee payments are overdue, students may be excluded from school. Once excluded, students will not be permitted to re-enrol to the school unless all outstanding fees have been fully repaid. All the fees, levies, deposits and charges in relation to student admissions are applicable to the students re-applying or returning to the school after exclusion.

Fees remain payable if a student goes on leave during term time.

If a student leaves or is admitted part way through the school year, attendance on any day in a particular month renders school fees payable for the entire month.

Please ensure that school is notified promptly of any change of address, telephone numbers or designated bank account for direct debit.


Capital Levy is introduced to build up a capital reserve for the school’s long term development project.
Capital levy is mandatory for all students.
Parents of students who are enrolling into Spanish School of Hong Kong will be required to pay the capital levy, alongside with admission deposit, when they accept an offer of a school place. Recurrent capital levy will be charged together with the first tuition fee installment.

Parents can choose between paying annual or one-off capital levy. Annual capital levy is non-transferable and non-refundable while one-off capital levy is non-refundable but transferable.

Sibling discount: Capital Levy will be charged in full, for the first two children of a family. For the third and subsequent children of a family, parents will only be required to pay 40% of the Capital levy provided that the first two children of the family have already paid full capital levy and they are still studying at Spanish School of Hong Kong when their sibling enrols.

 Capital Levy Fee for academic year 2023-2024:

Method of Payment Amount (HK$)
Annual $15,000
One-off $80,000


(a) Capital levy is mandatory for all students. Parents can choose between paying annual or one-off capital levy.
(b) Annual capital levy is non-transferable and non-refundable while one-off capital levy is non-refundable but transferable.

Financial Subsidy Scheme

There is a Financial Assistance Scheme available for families who experience financial hardship due to a sudden and unexpected change in circumstances. Parents in need of the subsidy can write to the school and provide supporting documents for the application. The school has the final decision as to endorse such application and determine the conditions of the subsidy, if it is granted.

Withdrawal Policy
If your child is going to withdraw from the school, please send the withdrawal letter to at least three calendar month before the last attendance date.
If you are withdrawing your child at the end of this academic year, you are reuired to send a withdrawal letter on or before 1 April. Otherwise, we will assume that your child is returning after summer holiday and parents are liable to the tuition fees for September even if the student does not return to school.
Should you have any enquiries regarding student withdrawal, please contact the school administrator for assistance.