Welcome to a world of Possibilities…

...for learning.

We strive to inspire the spirit of inquiry in our students and the development of positive attitudes.

…for knowledge.

An educational offer with flexible options and methodology that combines scientific rigor with research and experimentation.

…for development in leadership,

talent management, teamwork & communication skills.

…for coexistence.

Sharing spaces and time daily with fellow students is a life experience.

…for culture.

To get to know and enjoy other cultures widens horizons and strengthens personal and social skills essential for the future.

…for languages,

a complete trilingual institution that offers academic programme in English, Spanish and Chinese (Mandarin) native setting.

About Us

SPIS promotes an active learning environment, inside and outside the classroom, which encourages the development of innovative and critical mind, that empowers our students to freely express their ideas, to orientate their actions towards clear goals, and to work effectively with others in a Plural, Global and Interactive World.









The five petals represent five values that we cherish and uphold at SPIS

Kindness、   Honesty、  Humility、  Respect、  Commitment

The convergence of all five values unites us as one big family.