Programa de becas

Spanish School of Hong Kong will pride academic excellence in all areas of the curriculum. The objectives of the scholarship scheme are detailed below:

  • To advocate excellence in academic achievement in students
  • To recognise the talents of students in area other than academia
  • To promote well-rounded development of all students
  • To foster community spirit and leadership potentials

How to apply:

All students are eligible for the scholarship scheme. By the end of the academic year, the school will announce the recipients of the scholarship in each subject area


  • In academic subjects, students must obtain Outstanding in the final grade of that specific subject. The final grade is the composite of each term grade and the progression tests score. For details, please contact the subject teacher.
  • For achievement in Sports, Music and Art, students should submit the scholarship application form to showcase their achievement in certain area, such as awards from outside competitions within the academic year for the scholarship committee panel to consider.
  • For achievement in community service, students should submit the scholarship application form to showcase their achievement and commitment in community services, to help make our community a better place.  In general, the award recipient should obtain at least 100 hours of voluntary services in a recognised charity or NGO.