Declaración de objetivos

At Spanish School of Hong Kong our students are at the forefront of our curriculum. We are committed to ensuring the well-being and holistic development of all. Furthermore, SSHK aims to provide the highest calibre of trilingual education, as well as, nurture sportsmanship, community spirit, and morality, all of which cultivate students’ independent thinking, visions, values, and life purpose.


Spanish School of Hong Kong (SSHK) is dedicated to providing world-class trilingual education through an inspiring and culturally diversified learning environment that unleashes and optimises the potential of our youths.


  • Defender la excelencia académica en un entorno trilingüe inglés - español – chino.
  • Fomentar la creatividad y la deportividad.
  • Cultivar la moralidad y los valores positivos
  • Liberar el potencial de liderazgo individual
  • Respetar las diferencias individuales y abrazar la diversidad cultural.
  • Fomentar la búsqueda de sueños y aspiraciones.


La escuela está arraigada en los valores positivos tradicionales.

The Red blossom flower symbolises the journey at SSHK, where students are taught to be courageous and passionate in all that they do. Inspired by dynamic cultures and values in a fusion of East and West, the education experience at SSHK enhances their holistic growth and empowers them to excel in all their pursuits.

The five petals represent five values that we cherish and uphold at SSHK.







La convergencia de los cinco valores nos une como una gran familia.