Student Parent 

My name is Kenneth and I am the father of Zachery, who is currently in Year 4 at SSHK.

When choosing a primary school for my son, one of the things that really attracted me to SSHK was the size of the school and classes, as well as Spanish, one of the languages taught.

With a strong program learning curriculum utilizing Spanish, English and Mandarin, I know this will provide students with a strong foundation to be multilingual in these key languages.

Although the ongoing pandemic has impacted face-to-face learning, the teaching staff has done a marvelous job to stay connected to students and ensure the school curriculum continues via live video conference as well as interactive and diverse activities via a school app.


Prior to the interruptions caused by the pandemic, school life was varied, with a wide variety of core subjects including languages, math, and mixed with well-balanced subjects including, leadership, general studies, art, music, information & communication technology, and PE. Educational school trips were often organized to give students a broad learning experience outside their regular school setting.

I am also on the Parent Teacher Association Committee. In this role, I have had the privilege to work with teachers and other parents, planning events and functions that aim to bridge parents with the school.

If you are thinking about SSHK as a school for your child or is one of the new families to SSHK, I encourage you to reach out to the staff or SSHK members to learn more about what SSHK can offer. Thank you and stay safe!

We believe the tri-lingual curriculum of SSHK constitutes a strong asset for Pauline and Joséphine.
Our daughters are acquiring many tools to become caring and confident adults: inclusion in a multicultural group, leadership classes, various activities organised all year long such as outings, Speech festival, Science fair… We can see them blossoming.
Moreover, Pauline and Josephine are enjoying themselves in a caring environment, within reasonable size classes. 
Our journey with the SSHK team is a pleasure from the day our daughters joined the school.